Occupational Therapy in Aging in Place and Home Modifications

April is Occupational Therapy month! To kick off April we would like to highlight the contributions that occupational therapists make to the home modification and aging in place process. This week we have a guest blog authored by Dr. Scott A. Trudeau, PhD, OTR/L and Hannah Brock. Dr. Trudeau is the Productive Aging Practice Manager at the American Occupational Therapy …

So What IS Aging in Place??

Aging in place is a housing and healthcare option that integrates design, equipment and services to provide the opportunity and ability to safely remain in the home of your choice even as your health and mobility changes. Aging in place works best when people proactively prepare their home environments before accidents or injuries occur. These preparations can range from simple …

Aging in Place During a Pandemic

We know aging in place is the preferred living situation for older adults – over 80% of adults say they plan to live out their lives in their own homes. While aging in place has many benefits, it would be an understatement to say it has been hard this last year. Quarantine fatigue and social isolation directly affect mental health …

Aging in Place and covid-19

“Flatten the Curve” may well become the phrase of the year. Taking steps to increase personal safety to avoid the need for acute care that can overwhelm hospitals and the healthcare system. That could be the definition of aging-in-place. Few us had that concept to describe it before. But now, with the total upending of the notion that congregate ‘senior’ …

Aging in Place in the News

CNBC Nightly Business Report covered aging in place this week. I was interviewed by CNBC business reporter Diana Olick. Here is the clip. More detail on the story is available in this article on the NBR site. This coverage is in reaction to a Freddie Mac report accusing seniors who are aging in place of of causing a housing shortage that keeps millennials out of the …

Healthcare is the #1 issue for the New Year and the New Congress

HomesRenewed will make 2019 the year housing connects to healthcare policy for #AffordableAging in America. Policymakers are starting to recognize that the social determinants of health are crucial. Housing is one of the key social and environmental factors. HomesRenewed™ will move this bipartisan issue to the forefront. HomesRenewed Coalition supports affordable, healthy aging by advocating for incentives to update homes. In …

The Scale of our Aging Society

There are plenty of stories about the financial stability of social security and medicare, the impending caregiver ratio crisis and the business opportunities of the longevity economy. A couple things are often missing from the stories. One is a bold enough statement describing the scale of the problem. The second is solutions that stray from the story focus. No coloring …