We know aging in place is the preferred living situation for older adults – over 80% of adults say they plan to live out their lives in their own homes. While aging in place has many benefits, it would be an understatement to say it has been hard this last year. Quarantine fatigue and social isolation directly affect mental health …
New Year for HomesRenewed
2020 taught us many lessons about our healthcare system and rampant racial inequality in America. One of the biggest lessons learned: we need to take better care of older people who have suffered dreadfully from the pandemic. To date, approximately 40% of the people who’ve died from Covid-19 either lived in or worked at nursing homes and other senior congregate …
Aging in Place and covid-19
“Flatten the Curve” may well become the phrase of the year. Taking steps to increase personal safety to avoid the need for acute care that can overwhelm hospitals and the healthcare system. That could be the definition of aging-in-place. Few us had that concept to describe it before. But now, with the total upending of the notion that congregate ‘senior’ …