HomesRenewed Ventures (HRV) is the leading healthtech company focused on the aging in place environment.
The National Institutes on Health (NIH) funded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant funded HRV basic safety installations APP is being readied for pilots and installation contracts.
For our next step we are submitting another SBIR grant proposal, WiseHome, to the NIH.
Both work toward HRV’s goal to help Americans age in their homes safely and healthfully, thereby reducing healthcare spending, and supporting independence, and quality of life.
WiseHome™: A comprehensive cloud-based system to empower caregivers of persons with dementia to prepare and maintain a home for successful aging in place. WiseHome is an innovative and dynamic web platform that provides a one-stop shop for comprehensive home inspection, proactive planning, and systematic management.
In preparation for this submittal, HRV conduct informal online surveys to understand the impact of home maintenance on informal caregivers, as well as typical home maintenance, and repair practices. The surveys with caregivers, homeowners, and contractors support our contentions that home maintenance issues create stress and burden for caregivers, that accessibility modifications often require home repairs first, and that homeowners will do home maintenance if information about condition and resources are available. See survey results here.