Welcome to HomesRenewed’s team blog. Housing older Americans is a complex issue requiring comprehensive and systematic solutions. HomesRenewed is a broad stakeholder coalition reflecting the complexity of the problem and the breadth needed to solve it. There are lots of issues. There are lots of stakeholders. There are lots of overlapping interests. But most importantly, all stakeholders share a vision of older Americans able to live with dignity, using their resources efficiently in the home of their choice.
A team blog is a really good idea for HomesRenewed because, luckily, our team is a mirror for the task. The HomesRenewed team is blessed by a wide range of experts and interests. All of them have real lives that inform their passion. From that strength this blog will build an issue file of problems and a forum for creative problem solving. We hope the comments section will spawn conversation and networking. That means we hope you will join the discussion.
The blog will draw from our wide-ranging resources to address the wide-ranging issues in our quest to update American housing for residents of the modern lifespan. Issues range from:
- Ethical considerations of our family and societal commitment to older citizens
- Jobs and profits for large and small business enterprises in multiple sectors of our economy
- Our national budget
- Scarce caregivers resources
- How longevity has rendered our homes obsolete to house older Americans
- How to finance the updating of our housing infrastructure
- How to advocate incentives that encourage people to update their homes
- How best to communicate about all of this to consumers, legislators and professionals.
The team blog was suggested by our policy strategist, Kristin Amerling. That makes sense because Kristin is almost a model for the HomesRenewed team. Kristin has many years of top level experience and respect on Capitol Hill. She is an active and engaged parent as well an active caregiver for her remote parents. Since leaving the Hill, Kristin has started a legal/political consulting business as well as an innovative elderlaw practice. You cannot make this stuff up. Her entries will have the banner – Notes from the Sandwich Generation – because that is how she sees herself. She is the quintessential sandwich generation professional. And she is a great person we are lucky to have on our team.
One of the great lines Kristin delivered as she helped me (try to) grasp the steps and timeline in our marathon legislative strategy is, “This is already bi-partisan, it happens to everyone.” That will be the official tag line for the HomesRenewed Team Blog.
This new blog marks the evolution of my own blog, Aging in Place Ideas started in August of 2007, from a solo activity to a team and coalition braced for action. How fitting, in the manner of “one door closes and another opens”. I am grateful for so many ways this team blog is a marker of energy and movement into the unique HomesRenewed perspective that will shape the revolution in the business of how and where older Americans live with dignity, economically in the homes of their choice.*
*unique perspective line comes from Susan Kimmel, V-P and regulatory specialist. Even this first entry is truly a team effort.
Comments 2
Lou and Team, so good to see your new efforts directed to a broader perspective. Clearly your work is right on target on one of the most important social and personal issues of our time. I am with you all the way and look forward to reading your blog. Ruth
Hi Louis, It’s been awhile since we connected at the #AiA16 in D.C. I just attended the NIC Forum in Dallas which addressed senior housing issues and how services now connect with those living at home — which will be the bulk of us. I run a Facebook group for the 55+ aged group living at home alone and it’s a top issue of our’s.
Look forward to seeing you again at the AiA18 in San Francisco the end of this month.