Boy Scouts or Bargain Shoppers?

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Should you JOIN HomesRenewed Coalition?

Of course you should. Here’s why!

  1. Most people will age in their homes but their homes are not prepared.
  2. HomesRenewed is leading the charge to update homes.  
  3. We need you to add your voice to the coalition — JOIN US!

Boy Scouts or Bargain Shoppers? Or is it just B-S?

Over and over again our parents, teachers, and other authority figures try to drill the Boy Scout motto into us:  Be Prepared!  Some of us listened, some of us listened some of the time, but all too often, life comes at us and we’re blind-sided by events and need to wing it to get by.

AARP and other organizations serving the elderly tell us to prepare our homes in advance for aging in place.  Even I, while urging others to do so, haven’t installed a single grab bar.  I know I should.  I’m over 70 and have had minor knee issues, which at times has made it difficult to step over the edge of the tub to get into the shower.  Also, my balance is probably not as good as it had been a while ago at the peak of my yoga and tennis-playing days.  But no, I hold onto the sink vanity and the corner of the wall next to the shower and pray that I don’t slip or fall.  I’m just not ready to make any modifications to my condo, which was brand new when I moved in over 10 years ago.  It’s just so easy to put things off . . . .

But, bargain shopper, here I come. Full steam ahead!  Black Friday sales have me surfing the web and seeking things I never knew I needed – a robotic vacuum cleaner for one (which is actually very cool). But just imagine if I saved money with home updates! What if I got a $100 tax credit or other incentive if I installed grab bars in my shower? I might actually be motivated to do it!  I love saving money even though I understand that I would be investing my own and probably would splurge on a designer model that wouldn’t look institutional.

HomesRenewed is the champion for dignity and economical aging in place.

  • Tracking and supporting local, state and federal legislation
  • Coordinating supporters and action at every level
  • Proving the Business Case across sectors of the economy
  • Demonstrating the value of home updates
  • Creating an Interactive Gateway for consumers and contractors

Hoping you will join us to bring about change!

Yours truly,

Susan Kimmel

Vice-President, HomesRenewed

JOIN the Coalition.

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