Aging in Place in the News

CNBC Nightly Business Report covered aging in place this week. I was interviewed by CNBC business reporter Diana Olick. Here is the clip. More detail on the story is available in this article on the NBR site.

This coverage is in reaction to a Freddie Mac report accusing seniors who are aging in place of of causing a housing shortage that keeps millennials out of the market. I have seen this story covered in other news outlets as well. This is a new and bizarre twist on the difficulties of aging affordably and well.


In other news this week. HomesRenewed policy strategist Kristin Amerling and I were on Capitol Hill this week visiting the offices of Senator Angus King (I-Me) and Representative Charlie Crist (D-Fl) to continue our work with them on incentive bills they plan to introduce this year. We are providing support about bill content and sponsorship.


HomesRenewed is the only voice emphasizing the significance of individual homes for successful, cost effective aging. Join us now to be heard in Washington, on Main Street and Wall Street. TOGETHER we have unprecedented power to update American homes and make aging affordable.

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